Saturday, January 25, 2014

Angelic Pretty Candy Sprinkle Salopette Lucky Pack + Baby, the Stars Shine Bright Kumakumya-Chan Blanket Mook

I've been fortunate enough to be able to indulge in several lolita purchases over the holiday season. For the first time, I was able to order directly from Angelic Pretty (well, Angelic Pretty USA at least). I was sad to see the Candy Sprinkle print escape me on the international site, so I pounced as soon as I knew it would go live on the Angelic Pretty USA site. I had a small kink in my order since the shipping address didn't match my billing address that I gave, but I was able to clear that up in an email chain with AP USA and get my item shipped to my fiance's house rather than our apartment which is generally more inconvenient in terms of mail delivery. Once I got the lucky pack, I was really pleased with the items especially the soft purse. The salopette was somewhat tight on me, so I'll be wanting to lose inches before I wear it for a long period again. I coordinated it to have a happy night of sushi and seeing the Evangelion 3.0 movie at the theater. 
The entirety of the lucky pack. I also got Style Savvy Trendsetters in the mail that day. ^_^

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Lolita Blog Carnival: 2014 Trends You Predict

I always feel like I'm behind on what's trendy, but I'll make a good attempt at predicting what we'll see more of in lolita fashion during 2014.

  • Rosettes: My friends and tumblr wall have all been starting to sport rosettes clipped to the front of their jsk's or appended to the brim of a hat. Angelic Pretty released several series featuring rosettes during the course of 2013. In their latest collection, Wonder Queen, they also feature a rosette I'd love to own, and Mossbadger has a large collection of rosettes I've been admiring recently. Heck, I even tried my hand at making one recently as you can see in the photo set above. I think we'll definitely be seeing more during 2014. 
  • Salopettes: Salopettes have been increasingly popular throughout the course of 2013, and I think that the trend will continue to rage with more and more girls trying out salopettes during 2014. I've got the Candy Sprinkle salopette set in the mail right now, so I'm looking forward to indulging in this trend for the first time soon. 
  • Chiffon and other extras to dresses: With the prevalence of replicas which it felt like brands began to acknowledge back in late 2012 with the banning of replicas from the egl-comm-sales site, I've noticed a great uptick in brands using fancier chiffon fabrics and detailing on their dresses. I expect to continue to see more chiffon and small detailing beyond just special lace in the coming year.